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> Firm Donations and Political Rhetoric: Evidence from a National Ban (forthcoming)

Cagé J., C. Le Pennec. & Mougin, E.

American Economic Journal:Economic Policy.

> Predistribution vs. Redistribution: Evidence from France and the U.S (forthcoming)

Bozio A., B. Garbinti, J. Goupille-Lebret, M. Guillot & T. Piketty

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

The Dynamic Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution (forthcoming)

Chambru, C., E. Henry & B. Marx

American Economic Review.

> The Legacy of Colonial Education: Evidence from Tunisia (forthcoming)

Ben Salah, M., C. Chambru & M. Fourati

Journal of Comparative Economics.

> TV in times of Political Uncertainty: Evidence from the 2017 Presidential Election in Kenya (forthcoming)

Mougin, E.

Journal of Development Economic.

> Natural Resources and Ethnic Identity (forthcoming)

Berman, N. Couttenier, M., & V. Girard
Economic Journal.

> Agricultural Commodities and Tropical Deforestation (forthcoming)

Berman, N., Couttenier, M., Leblois, A. & Soubeyran R.

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Anti-Muslim Voting and Media Coverage of Immigrant Crimes (forthcoming)

Couttenier, M., S. HatteM. Thoenig & S. Vlachos.

Review of Economics and Statistics.

Employer learning and the dynamics of returns to universities : Evidence from Chinese elite education during university expansion (forthcoming)

Démurger, S., E. A. Hanushek & L. Zhang.

Economic Development and Cultural Change.


> Introducing HiSCoD: A New Gateway for the Study of Historical Social Conflict

Chambru, C. & P. Maneuvrier-Hervieu.

American Political Science Review (2024).


Silence the Media or the Story: Theory and Evidence of Media Capture

C. Louis-Sidois, Mougin, E.

European Economic Review158, 104533 (2023).

The Evolution of Wages in Early Modern Normandy (1600–1850)

C. Chambru & Maneuvrier-Hervieu, P.

The Economic History Review (2023).


Prenatal climate shocks and adult height in developing countries. Evidence from Japan (1872-1917)

Bassino, J-P. & T. Lagoarde-Segot & U. Woitek

Economics & Human Biology 2022 (online).

Mapping Artisanal and Small-Scale Mines at Large Scale from Space with Deep Learning

Couttenier, M.S. Di Rollo, L. Inguere, M. Mohand and L. Schmidt

[Published Version: Paper] - Plos One (2022).

Shutdown Policies and Conflict Worldwide

Berman, N. & M. Couttenier & N. Monnet & R.Ticku

Journal of Comparative Economics (2022).

Attaining Autonomy in the Empire: French Governors between 1860 and 1960

Chambru, C. & Viallet-Thévenin, S.

Social Science History (2022).

Shutdown Policies and Conflict Worldwide

Berman, N. & M. Couttenier & N. Monnet & R.Ticku

Journal of Comparative Economics (2022).


Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France

Garbinti B., J. Goupille-Lebret & T. Piketty

Journal of the European Economic Association.

Competition in Higher Education

M. Kaganovich, Sarpca, S., & X. Su

Brian McCall, Ed., The Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Education (2021).

Fertile Ground for Conflict

Berman, N. & M. Couttenier & R. Soubeyran

Journal of European Economic Association, 119, 19-1 (2021).

Minimum wages and poverty

 Démurger, S., C. Lin, A. D. Schmillen & D. Wang

Balancing Workers’ Protection and Labor Market Flexibility in China, ed. by J. Posadas, A. D. Schmillen & D. Wang., The World Bank (2021).

Labour market outcomes of ethnic minorities in urban China

 Démurger, S.

Ethnicity and Inequality in China, ed. by B. Gustafsson, R. Hasmath & S. Ding, New York and Oxford: Routledge (2021).


The Geography of NGO Activism against Multinational Corporations

Hatte, S. & P. Koenig

World Bank Economic Review, 34:1, 143-163. (2020).

Asia’s ‘little divergence’ in the twentieth century: evidence from PPP-based direct estimates of GDP per capita, 1913–69

Bassino, J-P. & P. van der Eng

Economic History Review,73(1), 185-208. (2020).

Weather Shocks, Poverty and Crime in 18th-century Savoy

Chambru, C. 

Explorations in Economic History (2020).

Unequal migration and urbanisation gains in China

Combes, P. P., S. Démurger, S. Li & J. Wang

Journal of Development Economics (2020).


Inégalités de revenus et de richesse en France : Evolutions et liens sur longue période

Garbinti B. & J. Goupille-Lebret

Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics

Market Power and Price Discrimination in the U.S. Market for Higher Education

Epple, D., R. Romano, S. Sarpça,H. Sieg & M. Zaber

RAND Journal of Economics, 50(1), 201–225. (2019).

Japan and the Great Divergence, 730-1874

Bassino, J-P. & S. Broadberry, K. Fukao, B. Gupta, and M. Takashima

Explorations in Economic History, 2019, 72, 1-22. (2019).

The Violent Legacy of Victimization: Post-conflict Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crimes and Public Policy in Switzerland

Couttenier, M. & V. Preotu & D. Rohner & M. Thoenig

American Economic Review, 109(12): 4378–4425. (2019).

Climate and output variability in the Euro-Mediterranean region, 1950-2000

Bassino, J-P. & C. Gimet & S. Quefelec

Economics Bulletin, 38(4), 1811-1822. (2019).

Mobilité sociale et empire colonial : les gouverneurs coloniaux français entre 1830 et 1960

Chambru, C. & Viallet-Thévenin, S.

Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (2019).


Behavioral Responses to Inheritance Tax: Evidence from Notches in France

Goupille-Lebret J. & A. Infante

Journal of Public Economics.

Majority Choice of Income Targeted Educational Vouchers

Epple, D., R. Romano & S. Sarpça

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 10(4), 289-325. (2018).

Income Inequality in France, 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (DINA)

Garbinti B., J. Goupille-Lebret & T. Piketty

Journal of Public Economics.

Applying Generalized Pareto Curves to Inequality Analysis

Blanchet T., B. Garbinti, J. Goupille-Lebret & C. Martinez Toledano

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings.

Biological well-being in late 19th century Philippines

Bassino, J-P., M. Dovis & J. Komlos

Cliometrica, 12(1), 33-60. (2018).

The evolution of Japanese business networks in ASEAN countries since the 1960s

Bassino, J-P., P. Jensen & M. Morini

C. Cherifi et al. (eds.), Complex Networks & Their Applications V  (2018).

From 2010 to 2017

This mine is mine! Spatial evidence on minerals and conflicts in Africa

Berman, N. & M. Couttenier & D. Rohner & M. Thoenig

American Economic Review, 2017, Volume 107, Issue 6. (2017).

The Relationship between Nonprofits’ Revenue Composition and Their Economic-Financial Efficiency

Ecer, S. & M. Magro & S. Sarpça

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(1), 141-155. (2017).

The Wild West is Wild: The Homicide Resource Curse

Couttenier, M. & P. Grosjean & M. Sangnier

Journal of the European Economic Association, 15-3. (2017).

Productivity gains from agglomeration and migration in the People’s Republic of China between 2002 and 2013

Combes, P. P., S. Démurger & S. Li

Asian Development Review (2017).

A General Equilibrium Analysis of State and Private Colleges and Access to Higher Education in the U.S.

Epple, D., R. Romano, S. Sarpça & H. Sieg

Journal of Public Economics, 155, 164-178. (2017).

Are environmentally responsible firms less vulnerable when investing abroad? The role of reputation

BazillierR.,  S. Hatte & J. Vauday

Journal of Comparative Economics (2017).

Corruption for Sales

Couttenier, M. & F. Toubal

Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(1), 55-66. (2017).

From commodity booms to economic miracle; Why Southeast Asia industry lagged behind

Bassino, J-P. & J.G. Williamson

Oxford University Press (2017).

Mass Media Effects on Advocacy Non-Governmental Organizations

Couttenier, M. & S. Hatte
Journal of Development Economics (2016).

Combien ont coûté les réformes de l’impôt sur les successions mises en place en France depuis 2000 ?

J. Goupille-Lebret

Revue économique.

Impact des droits de succession sur le comportement d'accumulation du patrimoine

Goupille-Lebret J. & A. Infante

Revue française d'économie.

Remittances and expenditure patterns of the left behinds in rural China

Démurger, S. & W. Xiaoqian

China Economic Review (2016).

Reinvestigating economic growth in Meiji Japan: industrial structure, labour productivity and regional inequality

Bassino, J-P, K. Fukao and T. Settsu
Economic Review (2016).

External Shocks, Internal Shots: the Geography of Civil Conflicts

Berman, N. & M. Couttenier

Review of Economics and Statistics (2015).

Untouchability, Homicides and Water Access

Bros, C. & Couttenier, M.

Journal of Comparative Economics (2015).

Migration and families left behind

Démurger, S.

IZA World of Labor (2015).

Left-behind children and return migration in China

Démurger, S. & H. Xu

IZA Journal of Migration (2015).

A Survey of the Causes of Civil Conflicts: Natural Factors and Economic Conditions

Couttenier, M. & Soubeyran, R.

Revue Economie Politique (2015).

Living in the Garden of Eden: Mineral Resources and Preferences for Redistribution

Couttenier, M. & Sangnier, M.

Journal of Comparative Economics (2015).

Migration externalities in Chinese cities

Combes, P. P., S. Démurger & S. Li

European Economic Review (2015).

Volunteer and satisfied ? Rural households’ participation in a payments for environmental services programme in Inner Mongolia

Démurger, S. & A. Pelletier

Ecological Economics (2015).

Drought and Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa

Couttenier, M. & Soubeyran, R.

Economic Journal (2014).

Commercialization of University Research and the Career Choices of Science and Engineering Doctoral Students

Ecer, S., and Huang, Y. & Sarpca, S.

Economics Bulletin (2014).

Pro-rural policies, income and inequality : Evaluating a cash-for-work program in rural China

Chen, Y. & S. Démurger

Asian Economic Papers (2014).

Infrastructure in China

Démurger, S.

Oxford Companion to the Economics of China, ed. by S. Fan, R. Kanbur, S.-J. Wei & X. Zhang, Oxford University Press (2014).

Migration, remittances and rural employment patterns : Evidence from China

Démurger, S.  & L. Shi

Research in Labor Economics (2013).

Do employees in public sector still enjoy earnings advantages?

Démurger, S., L. Shi & J. Yang

Rising Inequality in China: Challenges to a Harmonious Society, ed. by S. Li, H. Sato & T. Sicular, Cambridge University Press (2013).

L’effet conditionnel des ressources naturelles sur les institutions

Couttenier, M.

Revue Economique (2012).

Payments for ecological restoration and internal migration in China : The Sloping Land Conversion Program in Ningxia

Démurger, S. & H. Wan

IZA Journal of Migration (2012).

Earnings differentials between the public and private sectors in China : Exploring changes for urban local residents in the 2000s

Démurger, S., L. Shi & J. Yang

China Economic Review (2012).

Mapping modes of rural labour migration in China

Démurger, S.

Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in China, ed. by H. McKay & L. Song, ANU E-Press (2012).

Assistance et éducation des travailleurs chinois pendant la Grande Guerre – Le rôle du Mouvement Travail-Etudes

Démurger, S., M. Fournier & A. Au-Yeung

Les travailleurs chinois en France dans la Première Guerre mondiale, ed. by Li MA, CNRS Éditions (2012). [in French]

Public Housing Units vs. Housing Vouchers: Accessibility, Local Public Goods, and Welfare

Leung, C., Sarpca, S. & Yilmaz, K.

Journal of Housing Economics (2012).

An Exploration in School Formation: Income vs. Ability

 Alkan, A., Anbarci, N. & Sarpca, S.

Economics Letters (2012).

Private Schools and Residential Choices: Accessibility, Mobility, and Welfare

Hanushek, E., Sarpca, S. & Yilmaz, K.

The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2011).

Return migrants : The rise of new entrepreneurs in rural China

Démurger, S. & H. Xu

World Development (2011).

Poverty and firewood consumption : A case study of rural households in northern China

Démurger, S. & M. Fournier

China Economic Review (2011).

Rural households’ decisions towards income diversification : Evidence from a township in northern China

Démurger, S., M. Fournier & W. Yang

China Economic Review (2010).

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